March 19, 2008

It's 3 A.M. And Your Husband is Getting a Blowjob..

Big news today, according to ABC

Hillary Clinton spent the night in the White House on the day her husband had oral sex with Monica Lewinsky, and may have actually been there when it happened, according to records of her schedule released today by the National Archives.
Just. Fucking. Shoot me. But not like the Clenis did, K?


Anonymous said...

She may have been there? Could it have something to do with the fact that she lived there? I'm gobsmacked.

Anonymous said...

I hope when she becomes Madame President that she institutes a new job position for the most elite and responsible of our leaders: The Bimbo BJ practitioner to Service Bill, and the Bimbot BJ practitioner to service Hillary at 4PM every other day-as a theraputic measure for relieving stress and making the body feel contented, so the pressing job of leading the country can be attended with a more tension-free body and mind, and therefore expanded and comfortable awareness which thereby serves the best good of the country. BJ's are "a good thing," as Martha would say.