March 5, 2008

Oil hits $104, anus as OPEC rebuffs Bush

One day after the Disaster Monkey "warned OPEC" to pump more oil in order to bring prices down, oil prices reached a new record as OPEC "refused to increase its production, blaming mismanagement of the U.S. economy for high prices."

Thank you, Dumbass McSimpleton.


deuddersun said...

We are serfs, no peasants to the ruling class. If they have to crash our entire economy to wring a few more schekels out of the futures market, so be it. And they wouldn't be dealing in oil if they hadn't already bled the mortgage market bone dry. Watch for the same type of futures trading involving auto loans. When the fuck will we finally stand up and "Just say NO" to obscene corporate profits at the expense of the general good.

Phil said...

How about Stupie TELLING the oil companies in this country to spend some of the fucking BILLIONS of dollars in profits they have swiped to build a couple of refineries?
That's whats causing so much fucking grief, they can't keep the supply up to match demand.
I need a bottle of Bush Begone!

Anonymous said...

The Ass was gonna jawbone them Saudis. Tick, tick, tick.