April 18, 2008

Barney Frank for President

Finally a law that makes sense is introduced in the halls of congress. Barney Frank introduces and Ron Paul co-sponsors a bill to Decriminalize marijuana

Today Congressman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) introduced legislation to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana. The bill, dubbed the Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults Act of 2008, marks the first time in decades that Congress has considered removing criminal penalties for marijuana. Congressman Frank's legislation would decriminalize the possession of up to 100 grams of marijuana (3ozs) and the not-for-profit transfer of one ounce of marijuana. It would not affect laws prohibiting drug sales or the cultivation of marijuana, and it would not affect state or local laws regulating marijuana possession.
"It's time for the politicians to catch up with the public on this ," Congressman Frank said. "The notion that you lock people up for smoking marijuana is pretty silly."
What the hell, we ALL do drugs in one form or another. Starbucks pushes the most popular buzz. And the "ask your doctor" commercials push you to take even more.
Unfortunately, the bill will never pass. Personal use of the herb would cut in to Big Pharmas' bottom line. Can't be cutting into their Xanax, Prozac, Valium, Jack Daniels, Coors, etc. sales.
Besides, it is far too logical.
That said, I think I'll celebrate the occasion....because weed works better than Prozac....at least for some, I hear.


Anonymous said...

In 1962 and 63 we were chanting at the Sather Gate entrance to Berkeley with Mario Savio to legalize pot.

I think we should legalize all drugs--addicts go to clinic, get their fix or rehab--their choice, cheap and better for society--85 percent of crimes related to illegal drugs. If legal, no more crimes. 85 percent of guys in prison could do something better with their lives than be slave laborers for some widget manufacturing corp that hires prison labor at 13 cents and hour. The whole justice system and
criminalization of drugs is pure Machiavellian madness--a way to control the masses and turn the disinfranchized into slaves.

We need to Legalize growing it, too. Let the scared liquor & tobacco boys get into the biz: COORS BUDS! MARLEY-BORO BOMBERS. Create new green ag biz--Pacalolo Acres Ranch, farmers, harvesters,bud trimmers, hemp weavers, ah the endless job creation potential.

If we utterly outlaw tobacco, watch how fast Phillip Morris would be in the pot farming business.

Undeniable Liberal said...

Let 'em, I can grow my own, outside, even in Michigan....you know if I actually wanted to to or somethin' and I hear it's pretty good....and free.
I heard that people do that....if you know what i mean.

ThePoliticalCat said...

Yeah, I hear you, Undie Lib. (snicker)

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on this one wangmo! When you contrast the health damages of the legal recreational drugs -- alcohol & tobacco with things like marijuana/THC/hallucinogens, there's just no comparison as far as the deaths & major diseases caused by the legal ones. An adult knowingly ingesting a non-lethal dose of something shouldn't be an activity that legal authorities should be concerned with. If that individual -- whether under the influence of a legal/illegal drug -- starts doing something that harms society, then the legal authorities should become involved.

Distributorcap said...

i am already hearing the drumbeat of the fundies and dobsons and MADD and other organizations

Anonymous said...

Time to just say NO to FUNDIE PSYCHOS. The War on Drugs was teh FAIL!