I love the story of Masada. It's inspiring as all hell, and I can't wait for the dvd price to come down on the movie, but I'm sorry: I read this and started laughing my ass off --
"The Western Wall has been deemed too controversial a place for US President George W. Bush to visit. He is opting instead for Masada – where Jewish rebels committed mass suicide."When I first saw this this morning I kind of just sat there openmouthed before lapsing into hysterical giggles, thinking is this a joke?! I know how the rebels must have felt! {lolol snort! sorry} It got better:
"In addition to addressing the Knesset, Bush is reportedly searching for a symbolic location to visit..."Yeah, that'll do it! Gawd. What a great decision! I wonder if anyone'll get fired. What a fucking boner. lolol

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