April 8, 2008

Cat fight!

On a truly dignified Tim Russert show, drunken lout Christopher Hitchens bitchily tells fellow guest Andrew Sullivan to stop being such a lesbian.

SULLIVAN: Two things. One, it's important to clear up that he [Wright] did not say "The Jews are going to get you" in some conspiratorial, classic anti-Semitic fashion. I think that's just --

HITCHENS: He [Wright] thinks only Jews are going to object to Farrakhan and Gadhafi. Excuse me?

SULLIVAN: No, he didn't say "only."

HITCHENS: No, but --

SULLIVAN: Again, you keep playing with that quote. We're happy to have it on the record. And now you've made me forget my second point, which is --

HITCHENS: Oh, well, don't be such a lesbian. Get on with it.

Now now, girls.


Anonymous said...

I'm not a big fan of Sullivan (too conservative on a lot of things), but at least he's relatively open about being gay, whereas Hitchens (who is reported to -- at a minimum -- have had bisexual relations in college) seems like he's trying to hide/repress it with help from alcohol...

Anonymous said...

Hitchens make me ashamed to be an atheist. I thought I was over that feeling when I left Mormonism. No Prophets for Atheists!! Thank God.

Anonymous said...

Hitchens make me ashamed to be an atheist. I thought I was over that feeling when I left Mormonism. No Prophets for Atheists!! Thank God.

ThePoliticalCat said...

Jeez, Chrissie just so wishes he could have a dyke in his pants. Bend over, Chrissie, and let me drive.

Fookin' eejit.