April 18, 2008


The reich-wing wankosphere, with their typically clenched sphincters, goes batshit crazy and has giant spoogefest nontroversy fauxtrage festival over Manchurian muslim marxist unpatriotic non flag lapel wearing elitist liberal San Francisco candidate b. HUSSEIN Osama Snobama scratching cheek GIVING HILLARY THE FINGER!!!!!!1!!. With approval from his former pastor, too!


Anonymous said...

Here are a few of the many viewer comments re: Fingergate found at:

Like 'problematic' progressive women keep saying, Obama's an ass. But then we've had lots of experience with a particular type of ass who can stand most anything except losing to a girl.

Stuart O'Neill at Democratic Daily: I’ll withhold most of my profane reactions to this classless, deliberate playing to a young audience who have no political history to use as an anchor point for judgment. Barack Obama is an ass. And you can bet Hillary Clinton, in private, will react much, much more strongly. [I hope she keeps Bill away from any cameras for 24 hours, at least, to let him cool off.]

Just what the country needs: another case of arrested development complete with frat boy sense of humor and entitlement in the White House.
clio | 04.18.08 - 4:03 am | #

barack is immature passive aggressive.

Gravatar He would not do this if she were male. I remember his " likable enough" comment. This guy is not ready for primetime, and anytime someone voices that truth they are branded a racist. Good grief, thanks to Kennedy, Kerry and Dean, the Dems are going to hand the keys to the White House over to the Republicans again.

And don't be naive; watch and listen to the response and feedback from his audience. This guy wants to be in control of our troops, have the ability to start a nuclear war, decide our future. Watch the video, listen to his audience (they get it); pretend this is a 7th grade class and you'll understand BHO.
BJ | 04.18.08 - 4:30 am | #

And ObamaMANIACS think that most of the undecideds and those of us who support Hillary are going into the voting booth next November and vote for this character? NO WAY!!!!

Obama's opening remarks about debating Hillary were met with LOUD BOOS at her name....and he stood there grinning from ear to ear at the boos.
And his later gestures were wiping bird shit off his shoulder and dog shit off his shoe.

So, for sure he was flipping her the bird and there are camera angles that show his gestures were not only recognized by his crowd but just behind him one girl was pointing it out and explaining it to her seat mate, who then told the person next to her.

And then he lied about Hillary being the only one to go negative and went into Southern preacher drawl just for his "bring about change" drawl. You know what the #1 issue is, Obama, and ABC got to it in MINUTE ONE of the debate. It's WHO is going to lead us in the issues that face us.

What are you going to do in the fall if you can't handle answering the media's questions now?
Especially since there are MORE shady associations that will be coming out.

Obama is our lord and savior and will magically poof away all our problems. Don't you beeyotchez understand that!11!!!!

Undeniable Liberal said...

Wow....the dark side of the force is strong with this one. Much anger in him.

Cujo359 said...

Ya know, all that had to happen is that Obama's index finger slipped, and voila!, instant indignation.

I really, really am tired of this primary already.

Anonymous said...

thanks to the empty suit muslim man and his moronic tranced followers McCain will be our next prez no way I'm voting for the empty suit immature punk Obama I will write in Hillarys name.

Distributorcap said...

bowling - done
bitter - five minutes ago
finger - voila!

maru said...

Now, now, we're all Dems here -- don't be hatin'!

: )

Bradda said...

Who cares if he did it or not. He should have flipped the establishment and Clinton the bird! If I had to endure the ABC debate and had to defend myself over not wearing flag pins, then I would be pissed off too.