Warrie McSame vows to keep US troops in Iraq for next centur... what?
Senile old nutjob John McCain will accuse his Democratic rivals of making promises they cannot keep with regard to Iraq on Monday.Promises like "the insurgency is in last throes." Or "we will be greeted as liberators." Or "mission accomplished," or the war "will go relatively quickly... in weeks rather than months," or we've "gotten the momentum," we've "turned the corner," things "continue to go remarkably well" in Iraq, or we're making "phenomenal progress."
Or that "there's no question that Saddam Hussein had ties to al Qaeda," "we know where the WMDs are," "Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa," "Iraq has sought to buy thousands of aluminum tubes, intended as components of centrifuges to enrich uranium," "Saddam is actively pursuing nuclear weapons at this time," or Iraq will be "an affordable endeavor that will not require sustained aid."
Or "We will work with the UN Security Council for the necessary resolutions."

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