April 1, 2008

"A matter of conscience"

Says it all right there, doesn't it. Via C& L: Focus on the Family founder flipflops, will further fellow flipflopper's fight. Fail:

Dr. James Dobson told [Rupert Murdoch buttboy] Sean Hannity on Sunday night he is going to vote in the November election – ending weeks of speculation that he would sit on the sidelines over his policy disagreements with the two major parties’ candidates for the White House.

"Weeks of speculation"???? Feb 1, 2008:

"I will never vote for McCain."

Feb 5, 2008:

Dobson won't vote if McCain wins GOP

"I cannot, and will not, vote for Sen. John McCain, as a matter of conscience."

Evangelical Christian leader James Dobson has not endorsed a candidate for the Republican nomination, but his statement today declaring he would sit out the general election if John McCain becomes the GOP winner was quickly highlighted by Gov. Mitt Romney's campaign.

Liars make the Baby Jeebus weep.

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