April 11, 2008

McCain searches for VP, pants

Senile old nutjob's vice presidential choices bound to piss off somebody, opines Reuters:

Condoleezza Rice: supported the Chimpleton and abortion rights, may be gay
Mitt Romney: supported abortion rights, belongs to a cult
Florida Gov. Charlie Crist: homo
Joe Lieberman: a Dem before becoming an obsequious, bootlicking Bush rumpswab
Mike Huckabee: possibly even more psycho than McInsane
Rudy Giuliani: gay-loving, baby-killing, cross-dressing man-whore
Fred Thompson: just doesn't give a shit
Dick Cheney: even more psycho than McInsane


Anonymous said...

How about a psycho-therapist? Then at least we'd have a chance of it being a non-nuclear war presidency.

Distributorcap said...

nice choices there.........

an african american lesbian with nice shoes
a ken doll with no dick
a homo
a traitor and asshole
a squirrel eater
a crook
a bad actor (then again so was reagan)
the most evil thing alive