April 6, 2008

One of our favorite loinclothed actors dies

Charlton Heston has passed away at 84. Yeah, he was a rightwing rifle nut, but hey:


Anonymous said...

"They're people!"

I looked at his list of movies and had flashbacks to watching a lot of these movies sitting around the TV with my family.

So, he strolled around with a gun. Who doesn't in America. He parted the Red Sea for christ's sake.

Anonymous said...

QUICK!!! Grab his gun before the rigor mortise sets in!

He said we could have it now.


Anonymous said...

I've come to believe that art (including film, print, music, video, etc) HAS to be separated from it's creator(s) - - has to stand alone on it's own merits. Judging it (even on one's own personal basis) is difficult enough, but introducing the politics or personality of the artist(s) to the process makes it virtually impossible to render even a casual verdict. We can ALWAYS find something in their politics or personality that we don't like.
And especially for actors -- who are usually NOT even writing/producing/directing the movies they're in
-- the artistic value of the film/program is entirely irrelevant to what their private life is like. Also, they're called 'actors' or 'actresses' -- because they're profession consists of the abiility to portray themselves as something they're not!

Heston was in a few movies that I really liked - Planet of the Apes, The Ten Commandments, & Touch of Evil come to mind. I tend to classify him along with Kirk Douglas & John Wayne as the quintessential 1950's-60's rock-solid/upstanding/handsome/heroic/semi-macho leading man, who became almost institutions in and of themselves, and a bit 'type-cast' after awhile. While I liked SOME of that, it did get a bit boring pretty quickly -- too much stereo-typical 'hero-stands-alone-against-evil-and-singlehandedly-triumphs' stuff that is so SO different from reality.

As far as Heston's NRA activities, I am vehemently against those stances and I like 'mf's crack about taking Heston's gun before rigor mortis sets in! Heh-heh...

Cayobo said...

Hey... not for nutin', but fuck Heston in his dead and rotting eyeball, OK!

I hope he's getting tea-bagged by Satan and sodomized by Saddam even as I type this.

His true colors came out in F 9/11, and I've been looking forward to this day ever since I watched the film.

Anonymous said...

I concur, cayobo. I hate his guts, and his macho swaggering arrogant entitlement NRA psychosis that illustrated clearly for all that the NRA psychos are terrified pansies who feel a need to be armed to the teeth because their paranoid delusions own their pathetic stupid asses. These nutballs that surely have no triple digit IQs among their mobs can't connect the dots to see how allowing assault rifles on the street has killed thousands of innocent people--or if they do realize that, and still condone such horrible irresponsibility, then they need to be recognized for what they are--dangerous to the public welfare, and need to be behind bars with other killers.

EDUCATION EDUCATION EDUCATION keeps humans from growing up to be terrorists, criminals, murderers.
Spend the 40Gs/year on education instead of incarceration and we'd have 2 million PhDs instead of the incarcerated sociopaths our dumbass education-slashing policies engender. Heston, thug-lug, may the souls of the NRA murdered innocents plague you forever.

I hope he gets more than tea-bagged by Satan.

Anonymous said...

In truth, I hated the guy. He couldn't act and he was a neocon putz. I remember Mom taking my sister and me to see "The Ten Commandments" (for reasons that are too personal...she was on drugts...ok?) We laughed so hard at the Red Sea parting that we had to leave.

Anonymous said...

i know you're supposed to like honor people when they die and stuff... but goddamn i hated that little fucker.

Anonymous said...

The good, they die young....and this a-hole took FOREVER to die.
That should tell you something.

If there's such a thing as re-incarnation, I hope he comes back as a game hen, or as Bambi With a great big bulls eye on his butt as a birthmark... Then we can all part the red sea for him.

maru said...

Sigh... muscular men in loincloths...

Anonymous said...

Good GAIA, Maru! What good are muscular men in loincloths if they've only got 2 brain cells to rub together, never heard of a clit, and are capable of affection for only one thing--their mirror image?

I'm all for hot-bodied guys...I married one decades ago--the football star--awesome thighs and ass, great chisled jaw. I learned the hard way, and so did my kids, that handsome hunks are not necessarily gentlemen, scholars, great artists, or just basic decent guys. Sometimes they're just great looking pieces of shit.