April 21, 2008

"Senator Clinton... please describe your horror over Sen. Edwards' $400 hair style"

In which we find that yes, Charles Gibson has always been a rethug-blowing buttmunch:

One wonders if the campaigns actually saw Charlie Gibson's ridiculousness coming last Wednesday. If not, they should have -- take a look at the transcript of the January 5 Democratic debate in New Hampshire, also hosted by ABC and Mr. Gibson, along with Scott Spralding of WMUR-TV.

A sampling of the questions asked to the candidates, who by that time included only Senators Clinton and Obama, John Edwards, and Bill Richardson:

"So I want to ask all of you, are any of you ready to say that the surge has worked?" Gibson follows up by noting that "were it not for the surge, instead of counting votes we'd be counting bodies in the streets."

To Clinton: why are people "hesitating on the likability issue?"

"What questions are there about Senator Obama that are unanswered?"

"Senator Edwards, I'll go to you just with a passing comment, that you haven't talked about Mrs. Clinton's attire recently."

The exact same capital gains tax question from Gibson, which he prefaces by saying the average professors at the college where the debate is taking place are in the $200,0000 bracket. Gibson literally has to stop his question because of laughter from the audience.

To Obama: "I revved up the Republican attack machine, please respond."

The last question is, sadly, a direct quote, and is in reference to a moment two hours earlier, when on the same stage, the moderators asked the Republican primary candidates why Barack Obama shouldn't be president -- "I'd like to hear some specifics on why not him." Note that it was the only non-issue-based question posed to the Republicans.

-- from Eric Alterman's Altercation.

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