April 16, 2008

St McCain's wife plagiarizes recipes for campaign web site

John at AmericaBlog:

"Sure, the mainstream media will laugh and say 'isn't that funny.' But imagine if Michelle Obama had put up 'home' recipes on the Obama web site, recipes that she had actually stolen from various cooking sites and reposted them as her own 'authentic' down-home cuisine? She'd be called a fake populist, an elitist."
The campaign is now blaming "an intern." Which begs the question who is this person and why does he have unsupervised control of the website belonging to a presidential nominee?

Let's see how cable news is covering this...

pMSNBC with Chicago Trib contributor: "what's the big deal?" Favorite recipes... yum! And Cindy looks so elegant!

CNN: Obama, bitter, controversy, gaffe, bitterness comment

Fox Nooze: Jimmy Carter is such a douche!


Anonymous said...

Cindy's one stretched-out ole BAG.

Anonymous said...

I heard that Hillary & Cindy McCain
will soon be working together on a new Cookbook:
Family Favorites for Snipers &
Drug-Theft scandals