May 15, 2008

Bush's idea of sacrifice

Froomkin (via Attaturk at Eschaton): Has there ever been a more moronic interview of a president of the United States than the one conducted yesterday by Mike Allen

Not bloody likely.

My favorite bit came at the beginning:

Allen: Good morning, Mr. President.

Smirky McChimp: Michael, welcome.

Allen, genuflecting: Thank you for having us into this amazing place.

Chimpy McBubbles: Glad you're here.

Allen, positioning his nose deeper into the brownness: Congratulations, father of the bride... When you took her arm, Mr. President, what were you thinking?

Der Chimperator: I was thinking this is one beautiful bride, and Henry is a lucky man. It was — you know, you can imagine, the setting was beautiful by our lake.

Allen, going deeper: A sunset.

Das Chimpleton: The sun set, came down around about the time of the vows.

Allen, going for the gold. Brown. Gold: Ninety-two degrees?

Chimps von Spankmonkey: It cooled off a little bit. But it didn't matter how hot it was.

Allen, repositioning himself for maximum effectiveness: Mr. President, what was your toast?

Spanky O'Dumbass: The toast was to the families and friends that were there; the toast was to the Hagers in raising a good man in Henry; the toast was to my beautiful girl.

Allen, rubbing more oil on his hands: Mr. President, we understand you had a little homework assignment, you watched Steve Martin's "Father of the Bride."

Teh Chimpmeister: I did. (Laughter.)

Allen, breathing heavily: Did you pick up any tips there?

Gawd. Bonus: Keith Olbermann tells the"grieving" and snivelling little sockmonkey to "shut the hell up":


Anonymous said...

That was absofuckin'lutely awesome. I love Olbermann as much as I hate Bush. I wish somebody would force that piece of shit to listen it. Especially the part about his last day in office.

Anonymous said...

why isn't this video available anymore? This special comment just aired 2 or 3 nights ago!