May 13, 2008


With a raging hangover the day after Jenna's Wedding kegger, Pretzelnut McChimpsuit issues an official statement for Mother's Day:

Laura and I want to wish everybody a happy Mother's Day. It's just a special day to give thanks to our Moms; appreciate the hard work that Moms do. And I understand that for some, however, Mother's Day is a sad day for those who lost their lives in Oklahoma and Missouri and Georgia because of the tornadoes, are wondering whether or not tomorrow will be a bright and hopeful day.
Ground control to Commander Codpiece: If you are dead, you no longer worry about're dead. Glad to have cleared that up, now go and sleep it off fucktwit.


Weasel said...

He forgot about the dead mothers in Iraq.

Oh wait, they don't count. /sarcasm

Anonymous said...

He also forgot Poland. Fucking hell, I hate this man.

Mr. Natural said...


You mean that motherfucker is STILL not in prison?

Anonymous said...

It is my sincere belief that Congress is waiting until after he and his gang leave office before charging them with the many crimes they have committed. This would prevent a massive issue of pardons, a la Skooter Libby.
I can think of no other reason. We are a nation of laws. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove, etc, etc, must be held responsible.