May 15, 2008

Terrifying Thought for the Day....Week....Year....

Bloodless Coup
Fuck. Fucking fuck.
Think about this: Will Hillary Run as 3rd Party-Candidate?
More comforting thoughts from a small buzz on the leftosphere can be found here.
Sleep well tonight, I won't.
Sweet Nightmares.

You're welcome.

But really, after reading the links, what do YOU think about the possibility that she runs third party and what will happen?
Inquiring liberal minds need to know.

Clinton/Lieberman '08


ThePoliticalCat said...

The first link don't work.

I don't think it's a realistic possibility for several reasons. The Clinton fundraising machine is already exhausted. Her campaign is deep in debt ($20 - $31 mil). Someone would have to settle her debt then fund her run. With the well-funded Obama to run against, that means finding approximately $100 mil for Hill.

Assuming she has roughly 40% of the Dems, and assuming that Dems comprise roughly 30% of the electorate (Rethugs, Dems, Independents, Libertarians, unaffiliated), that gives her a whopping 20% of the electorate that will support her.

Rethugs may enjoy causing chaos, but most of them would rather be eaten alive by acid-dripping slugs than take a chance on putting the Clintons in the WH.

While the Smirking Chimp's scenario sounds delightfully paranoid, we also doubt that will occur. Georgie is straining at the leash to bolt. He don't wanna be in teh WH no moah, and if his handlers tell him he's got to he will do something catastrophically embarrassing and precipitate a crisis. His attention span is already past capacity.

Undeniable Liberal said...

But....would it be a surprise?
I, for one, wouldn't be surprised.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the left has a wingnutosphere too.

And much of it is consumed with ill-informed Clinton hatred.

About a .00001% chance of this happening.