June 12, 2008

Faux News hits a trifecta: inaccurate, sexist and racist

"The Obamas have been married for 16 years, and only to each other. John McCain left his first wife after she was in a car accident to marry an heiress 20 years younger than him. Guess whose marriage Fox News decided to insult?" -- headline from fark.com.

It's hard to believe Fox Nooze could manage to be any more tasteless and offensive, but they've done it. Anchorbimbo Megyn Kelly and gawping cuntservaturd nutcase Michelle Malkin discuss Michelle Obama while screen caption reads "Obama's baby mama."

Geez, why don't they come right out with 'uppity welfare-cheating n1gger' and be done with it? Good gravy.


ThePoliticalCat said...

When that story caught my eye on HuffPo, I thought Faux Noise had referred to Malkin as "Obama's Baby Mama." That would've been an explosion worth seeing, eh?

Anonymous said...

"baby mama" is code for "uppity welfare-cheating n1gger"