June 17, 2008

Hahahaha, Just Jokin' Y'All

Real funny, racist assholes.

At the Texas Republican state convention, a booth hosted by Republicanmarket was selling a pin Saturday that says: If Obama is President will we still call it the White House?
Well smack my ass and call me Sally, Larry Craig, David Vitter, or any other hypocritical rethug, what a shock. Betcha the funny little pins were made in China. Why wouldn't we still call it the White House? Smirky O'Stutters has been there 8 years and we don't call it the ShitHouse, do we?
And another thing, if John McSame is President will we call the White house a nursing home?
Redefining pathetic, heckuva job.



Anonymous said...

Racism is virtually always the refuge of the intellectually lazy. Don't read or research the issues - - just criticize a person for the way he/she looks. Judging people by their appearance is very lame and only SLIGHTLY useful (ie; you MIGHT be able to say that a sloppy/slovenly person is not as organized as a neat/meticulous one), but when it comes to race (which is conceptually hard to define to begin with -- since we all literally came 'out of Africa' some 100-150K yrs ago), it just becomes virtually worthless. You just can NOT effectively generalize across 10 people, much less a whole 'race'. For every good 'white', you can find a bad 'white'. Same with yellow, red, black, brown, etc.

This is just Repukes (who KNOW they have no issues on their side) trying to change the subject.

Anonymous said...

this must be the product of some rogue (openly) racist individuals. surely.

this won't help. unless they're spoiling for a fight on the issue, which certainly won't make the Dems or Obama look good.

Anonymous said...

I think we're going to get a lot more racist-oriented material before election day. And after when Obama wins.

The Republican Party is now and forever will be the party of hate, racism, fear, elitism, and profound ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Wow, right there next to bathroom humor in joke development. I will have to pass this along....compelled by pissativity and all.

Anonymous said...

Sad, when supposedly adult people have to stoop to that disgusting level. They don't dare address actual issues, so they resort to racism.
