June 13, 2008

Iraq PM: Security talks at 'dead end'

'You're gonna be democrituded whether you want to or not!' blasts White House.

Iraq's prime minister said Friday that talks with the U.S. on a long-term security agreement between the two nations have reached a dead end, saying the U.S. proposals "violate Iraqi sovereignty."

[Misadministration] demands -- that would give U.S. troops legal grounds for an extended stay in Iraq after a U.N. mandate expires Dec. 31 -- are "not acceptable."


Anonymous said...

Gee -- you mean countries DON'T like being bombed/invaded/occupied because they have large oil reserves? Hmmhh...

Anonymous said...

Doesn't that make it unanimous??? The Iraqis AND Americans don't want us there forever????

oh, right. ALMOST unanimous. Bu$hCo being the only dissenting block.

So, I'm guessing we'll be staying there. Forever........