Yesterday, the incredibly irrelevant and jism breathed quisling Joe Lieberman(R-Tel Aviv) strongly suggested that we would be hit by a terror attack in 2009 -- and that this should make us pull the lever for know because he would continue the strong policies of Chimpeor Maxixmus that have been so successful in making us safer as we learn that Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda is back to pre-9/11 strength and is capable of another large-scale attack.
Just as it had on the day before 9/11, Al Qaeda now has a band of terrorist camps from which to plan and train for attacks against Western targets, including the United States. Officials say the new camps are smaller than the ones the group used prior to 2001. However, despite dozens of American missile strikes in Pakistan since 2002, one retired C.I.A. officer estimated that the makeshift training compounds now have as many as 2,000 local and foreign militants, up from several hundred three years ago.AIPAC Joe should know. It WILL happen and will all be the fault of Obama/Clinton/Carter.
We must elect another republican or it will mean our destruction. The "liberal media" is playing this old song every chance it gets and is also starting to beat the drums for war with Iran.
Heckuva job, fuckwipes.

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