June 2, 2008

McClellan: Bush should have fired corpulent antichrist

Preznit Honor&Integritude not only lied, he broke his promise by refusing to fire Satan's porcine handmaiden and traitor Karl Rove for leaking a CIA agent's identity, Scott McClellan said yesterday, wringing his tiny hands.

"I think the president should have stood by his word and that meant Karl should have left," McClellan said on Meet the Supine, Rethug-loving Press. Yeah, that would've been nice. Left in chains.

The White House had said in 2003 that anyone who leaked classified information in the case would be dismissed. Bush reiterated that promise in June 2004.

By July 2005, Bush qualified his position, saying he would fire anyone for leaking classified information if that person had "committed a crime."

Rove was never charged with a crime, much less high treason, the miserable little fuckwad.

McClellan writes in his book that Bush backpedaled to protect Rove, a point McClellan repeated in the interview.

"We had higher standards at the White House," McClellan said. "The president said he was going to restore honor and integrity. He said we were going to set the highest of standards. We didn't live up to that. When it become known that his top adviser had been involved, then the bar was moved."

We all need to move to the bar at this point. I'm buying.


ThePoliticalCat said...

I'll have whatever that purple stuff is. These people are just ... I'm beyond words. Fuck 'em all.

Anonymous said...

I'll have that yellow one 4th from the right. And thank you, Maru.

Visualize O Porcine One in chains. And a prison suit. Orange. If we all visualize, after 4 more of those yellow things, or which ever, we might be able to manifest it!
