June 5, 2008

So, senator, when did you stop cheating on your wife?

Aged, psycho horndog/adulterer either chickenshit or deaf.

During a town hall meeting on Monday, John McCain was asked to address how his own marital infidelities comport with his pledge to protecting the sanctity of marriage by opposing such unions among same-sex couples.
The straight-talkin' maverick avoided the question.
Upon returning from Vietnam, McCain received news that his wife had been in a terrible car accident, which, in subsequent surgery, had led to the loss of inches in height and crippling injuries.

The marriage gradually fell apart: after "a bit of philandering," he married wealthy beer heiress Cindypills McFrigid's money.
Fucked fact: As poster lykitis put it over in the comments section, as millions of Americans were seeing their own homes foreclosed on, Cindy McCain was celebrating the closing on her new estate on Coronado Island, California. 'Talk about "out-of-touch elitist."'

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