June 30, 2008

Swift Boat vets want their "good name" back

Cry me a fucking river. Maybe most of you had nothing to do with the "nastiest of campaign smears," but now you're whining about it? Maybe beating the unholy snot out of the cretins responsible might do loooooads to restoring your reputations. And their pathetic, knuckledragging enablers in cuntserva turd media who are even now using the term and/or are asking where all the swift boaters are (malkin, fretardia, politico, powerline, andrew sullivan, american'thinker'...). Just a thought.

In a related story, those professionals fucking repuke-lapping nincompoops at CNN are accusing Gen. Wesley Clark of "swiftboating" -- for saying McInsane's time as a POW doesn't automatically bestow upon him any magical presidental powers. I was a prisoner in a bad marriage, but that doesn't qualify me to run for dogcatcher, much less the presidency. Well, you know what I mean.

My head hurts.

Anyway, good luck with that, guys. Because now the right is swiftboating Wesley Clark. And don't believe all the bullshit that he "attacked" McSaint or "blasted his record," because that's all it is. Complete and utter bullshit. Rethug manufactured outrage as usual. Read the transcript here and see for yourself. Because you won't hear about it on cable news.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course Clark's comments were entirely appropriate. He did not say that McCain lied about his time as a POW he just said getting shot down did not necessarily make you a good leader. The problem is that Obama immediately threw Clark under the bus. I have to say that Obama is scaring me more and more each day. he flip flopped on FISA, he came out with a cynical and wrongheaded "fix" for social security, and he is backpedaling furiously on Iraq, Iran and anything else he thinks might not appeal to right of center voters. The fact is there are more liberals than conservatives in this country--poll after poll which asks about issues confirms that. The problem is that liberals do not vote--probably because they cynically and accurately have little use for politicians and see differences between parties as slight. Obama had a chance to change that and actually energize the left and at a time when McCain faced serious problems in energizing the right and he is throwing it away. Huffington had it right yesterday on one of the Sunday talk shows--Obama established a winning brand and now he is snatching defeat from the jaws of victory by tarnishing the brand that got him to where he is.