June 18, 2008

"We don't torture!"

-- yore preznit. Time and time again.

Exams prove the Bush misadministration lied about abuse, torture in Iraq, Gitmo --

Medical examinations of former terrorism suspects held by the U.S. military at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, found evidence of torture and other abuse that resulted in serious injuries...

Why do you terrists hate America? Why??

Harsh interrogation techniques used at US "war-on-terror" prisons in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay were sanctioned by top US government officials in 2002 against the advice of lawyers...

Boy, chalk one up for lawyers for once, huh?

The U.S. military hid the locations of suspected terrorist detainees and concealed harsh treatment to avoid the scrutiny of the International Committee of the Red Cross, according to documents that a Senate committee released Tuesday.

"The sorriest aspect of Bush's legacy is his destruction of one of America's most priceless assets, its moral authority."

The Honor and Integrity administration, ladies and gentlemen.


Anonymous said...

Good article and dead on in terms of moral authority, but why keep saying the worst president in modern times? Was there a worse president in ancient times? I know Buchananon is often pilloried for doing nothing as the Civil War approached, but frankly I think Dumbya would not only have started the Civil War 4 years early, but lost it before Lincoln took office. Hoover was no great shakes, but apart from presiding over economic collapse, he did not screw anything else up. Nixon was a paranoid crook, who kept us in Viet Nam way too long, but he is modern times, so who is the writer talking about?

Anonymous said...

'anonymous' - some of the things one reads* about Andrew Jackson makes me think that he would be a contender for one of the worst presidents of all time. He was so in more of an 'active' sense than Bush is -- I think that Bush just kind of 'lets things happen' around him, and with people like Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz/Perle/et al around him, some pretty shitty things happen! Jackson sounds like he was a near psycho...

Anonymous said...

Big em: Thats interesting. What I recall of Jackson was that he was the first sort of outside the beltway president who brought a bunch of "hicks" with him to Washington which appalled the elite pundits of the day, introduced patronage to the federal government big time and set up the start of a national banking system.I will go read the article, but I do not recall seeing him mentioned much in terms of worst presidents ever.