June 2, 2008

What is this, Stupid Day?

It's kind of amusing to see the clueless partisan douchenozzles in rightwingnut-world now demonizing their erstwhile buddy Snott, but when they start writing crap like this it almost makes you want to pry your eyes our with red-hot pokers. Here's one of the northstarwritersgrope resident morons, practically soiling himself in his faux-outrage:

"In my opinion, Scott McClellan was one of the worst White House press secretaries ever. He was often short with reporters and refused to say anything about anything that was not in his talking points."
As compared to Ari "the Liar" Fleischer or any other press-tool from the dawn of time? Puh-leeze.
"He did not seem to know what role the White House press corps played in the functioning of the government..."
Oh, good one. You mean, the press corpse weren't supposed to be bending over and gratefully taking it up the poopchute like they've been doing for the past eight years in order to get a preznental nickname and be perceived as America-loving patriotic flagwavers, you fucking little toad? Get called "terrorist-loving Islamocommiedefeatohomofascists," blacklisted all over freetardia, and have their families threatened by Malkin, Limpbaugh et al and their bands of putrid, drooling dittoheads? Really? Gawd.

More stupid: some brownnosing taintface over at powerline writes "The new book by the re-educated Scott McClellan doesn't matter much in the scheme of things." Oh really. It doesn't matter that the fucking president of the United States was a lying, scheming, drooling piece of shit that -- among many other lacking-in-ethics instances -- took us into war on a fucking lie? Covered up for his traitorous svengali and his vice president? You fucking toadie.


ThePoliticalCat said...

I highly recommend a brief listen of Zappa:

Gonna ram it, ram it, ram it, ram it up yer poopchute. Wristwatch!


Sell us a president, agency man
Smiling Big Brother, stern father perhaps ...

Anonymous said...

I think that Scott was awkward because he knew, deep down maybe, that he was representing a president who was a deluded fool.

Anonymous said...

I always thought the WH Press Corps were there to spur on real journalistic types like James Guckert and Jeff Gannon and brave intelligent manly sorts like them.
Was I deluded?!??!?

Anonymous said...

I used to turn on Ari Fleischer on C-span sometimes. I called him my "daily emetic."