July 11, 2008

Adulterer/bigamist psycho for president!

Wait, what??

Rethug family values: Saint McCain obtained an Arizona marriage license for his mistress while still legally married to his first wife.

John at AmericaBlog: "In all seriousness, putting the snark aside. Imagine if Barack Obama had two marriages at the same time. Imagine had Barack Obama lied about living with his first wife while having a mistress on the side. Imagine that all this happened while Obama had promised to speak out vocally about how gay people are a threat to marriage. We'd never hear the end of it from the Republicans and the media."

Oh yeah... it would be


Anonymous said...

Egg-fucking-zackly Maru! Makes you realize that:
1.) The MSM is NOT 'liberally biased'
2.) The MSM is NOT even NEUTRALLY oriented.
3.) The MSM is SO SUCCESSFULLY CONSERVATIVELY BIASED, that it will freely print rumors, half-truths, and virtual lies about 'liberals' (and leftists don't even exist in their world) while ignoring many MAJOR CRIMES by conservatives or quickly explaining-away (with the tritest of explanations) other crimes/gaffs/immoralities. This bias is so successful that conservatives can propagate and sustain the 'liberal media' myth for DECADES now, even in the face of staggering examples to the contrary.

Anonymous said...

McLame isn't a threat to any marriage until he's gay, dammit. He can fuck whomever he wants or suck anybody's dick and its cool until he's gay......then he's fuckin shit up and everyone's marriage is in trouble. No need to worry ahead of schedule.