July 22, 2008

Ancient coot's 'senior moments,' like shit in the shitter, pile up

It's almost gotten to the point where he makes news when he doesn't fuck up.

From (mostly) the Politico:

Senile old nut John McCain said “Iraq” when he apparently meant “Afghanistan” on Monday, adding to a string of mixed-up word choices that is giving ammunition to the opposition.

Ironically, the errors have been concentrated in what should be he calls his area of expertise - foreign affairs.

In the past weeks, McCain has mixed up Iraq and Afghanistan, Somalia and Sudan, Sunni and Shiite, Czechoslovakia and two more countries his liege lord Il DuceBag can't pronounce, the Packers and Steelers, and even called Vladimir Putin "the president of Germany."

The foreign policy expert has also sung about bombing Iran and killing them with cigarettes. 

The candidate gives his preznit the low hard one in this undated photo.

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