I don't know, I always pictured him driving a beat-up old VW Beetle. With extra incontinence-pants piled up in the passenger's seat and one of those pine-tree thingies hanging from the rearview mirror.
200-year-old Boob Novak was cited by police after he hit a pedestrian with his black Corvette in downtown Washington, D.C., Wednesday morning.Someone who saw Novak put in the police car and saw the pedestrian on the ground motionless, said a biker jumped on Novak's car to stop him as he drove off.
A Politico reporter saw Novak in the front of a police car with a citation in his hand; a WJLA-TV crew and reporter saw Novak as well. The pedestrian, a male in his 60s, was hospitalized at George Washington University Hospital with minor injuries according to the Metro Fire Department. Novak was later released by police and drove away from the scene.

"I should be able to run over as many kids as I want!"
Montgomery Burns
'Bart Gets Hit by a Car'
Episode 7F10, 1/10/91
(FYI - found quote in this neat 'Simpsons' website with scripts and notable quotes:
http://www.snpp.com/episodes.html )
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