July 14, 2008

Fox Nooze just came all over themselves

Barack Obama's campaign is condemning a tasteless and offensive New Yorker magazine cover that depicts the candidate in a turban, terrist-fist-bumping his 'fro'd Islamocommiedefeatofascist wife. This on news that next issue's cover will feature a puppy-holding Saint John McCain hugging Jesus as Disney-like bluebirds twitter around their haloed heads.

The illustration on the issue that hits newsstands Monday, titled "The Politics of Fear," depicts [b. HUSSEIN] Obama wearing traditional Muslim garb — sandals, robe and turban — and his wife, Michelle — dressed in camouflage, combat boots and an assault rifle strapped over her shoulder — standing in the Oval Office.

The couple is doing a fist tap in front of a fireplace in which an American flag is burning. Over the mantle hangs a portrait of Osama bin Laden.

T[hough the magazine has called the cover "satirical,"] the Huffington Post said: "Anyone who's tried to paint Obama as a Muslim, anyone who's tried to portray Michelle as angry or a secret revolutionary out to get Whitey, anyone who has questioned their patriotism — well, here's your image."

Really. Heckuva hatchet-job, media.

"Next up: a caricature of a black man eating watermelon and fried chicken while cashing a welfare check to buy crack." -- headline from fark.com.

1 comment:

David Angerhofer said...

With 10% of the population believing Obama is Muslim, we should be grateful that the best mainstream-ish magazine in the country is pointing out how ridiculous it is. If the Huffington Post wants to get sanctimonious about it, fine, but Marus does the same kind of stuff everyday. The New Yorker is on our side, they have printed the best critiques of the Bush administration and the best exposes of the crimes that have been committed in the past 7.5 years and they have giant balls for running this cover. Hats off to them.