This would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
Okay, its funny. You've seen it: after weeks of harping on the fact that Sen. Obama has never been to the ME -- hell, they even put a clock on their website -- the gpukes are now whiningwhiningwhining that he's gone. And that the media has gone all out to cover it. Historic? Sure. But I bet they're there just to catch him making a mistake. Anyhoo, how does the McSame campaign spend its time? You got it: by a) lying about the surge and b) whining. Via TPM:
I guess Phil Gramm was right. There are more than a few whiners in this country. Unfortunately for John McCain most of them seem to be working on his campaign. Right now his campaign's message seems to have devolved into a pathetic meta critique of the media. Are they running for the White House or for best commenter on Gawker? This focus on the media seems so pointless that, as an Obama supporter, I hope they stick with it to the neglect of a real message such as something on the economy, health care, border security, or anything that might actually move voters.
The political press's reckless and giddy love for McCain is so universally acknowledged that McCain himself has often joked about the press as his "base." So what do we have here but a candidate who can't brook the idea of not campaigning on a wave of press adulation? And now he's framing his whole candidacy around a campaign of strategic whining about the claim that the political press is treating his younger opponent like he's been treated for over a decade. He's got the preening and envy of a sore losing runner-up for prom queen.
The political press's reckless and giddy love for McCain is so universally acknowledged that McCain himself has often joked about the press as his "base." So what do we have here but a candidate who can't brook the idea of not campaigning on a wave of press adulation? And now he's framing his whole candidacy around a campaign of strategic whining about the claim that the political press is treating his younger opponent like he's been treated for over a decade. He's got the preening and envy of a sore losing runner-up for prom queen.
Do we really want another privileged poopyhead as preznit?

Update: another senior moment -- and the MCM covers for him:
Update update: a great piece by Jill.
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