July 21, 2008

Rove skipped testimony, country to avoid indictment

Fired US attorney David Iglesias: corpulent antichrist a pussy-assed criminal, the bloated fuckwad:

“He has information that I believe would show illegal activity, interfering with ongoing federal criminal investigations. So Rove is not testifying I think basically to keep himself from being indicted.”

Can't they arrest him when he finally sets foot on US soil again? I mean, come on, already.


Anonymous said...

Maru, you're the best! Even if there are no comments, don't ever think you're not appreciated. You are, you really are.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's true, Maru, you ARE THE BEST! I have many receipts for new keyboards to prove it.
(damned coffee)

Anonymous said...

Rove will wait in Europe for the duration. Sometime before January 2009, Rove will be pardoned...along with all the 'misadministration' offenders you can imagine. There will be pardons, many, many pardons! Dumb W. may set the land-speed record for pardons by a departing prez.