July 30, 2008

The scum also rises

There's no better way to describe the hiring of Bush supporters for career jobs in the federal government. But that's been his M.O. all along, his pal Michael Brown at FEMA being a shining example of the practice. Nothing says professionalism more than handing out jobs like Cracker Jack prizes to completely unqualified people--or worse than unqualified, in the case of ol' Brownie.

I wonder what the prize would have been for a blow job (instead of everyday boring regular observance of the Führerprinzip)? EW, don't answer that.



Anonymous said...

Level of Fail computing in exponential negative numbers

Anonymous said...

The Regressives are taking us back to the spoils system/patronage of Andrew Jackson era...

Anonymous said...

The prize for a blow-job? How about a supreme court nomination? Or, howja like to be Suckretatary of state?