The codpieced cowpoke to abandon fake ranch in arid hellhole now that he doesn't need a "Western White House" prop any more. Via DKos:
Then, making light of the foreclosure crisis, he said: "And then we got a housing issue... not in Houston, and evidently not in Dallas, because Laura's over there trying to buy a house. [great laughter] {Blarrffff - Ed.} I like Crawford but unfortunately after eight years of sacrifice, I am apparently no longer the decision maker."
As if he ever was.

I don't think anyone ever predicted that he'd sell the fake prop ranch BEFORE he left the WH....
I guess the facades are crumbling. Heh.
Also unspoken is whether HE will be staying in Laura's new house.... I bet there will be poolboys though.
But... he always told us HE was the 'deciderurer'??
The part that makes me barf is the word 'sacrifice'!!! Oh yes, he gave up golf. My bad. *headdesk*
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