August 15, 2008

Attack of the DTs

"Ahhhh! The giant bugs!! They're comin' right for me!!"

Pic via Greatscat!


Susan said...

The look on not-Jenna's face is priceless. Like, "OMG, I am going to die of embarrassment."

Anonymous said...

Ultimately, this is yet another disturbing* tribute to:
1.) the SCLM's ability -- through selective reporting/non-reporting -- to grossly distort political reality, especially when their paymasters' party has to be protected/promoted.
2.) the approximately 50% of the US voters who don't vote, or vote based on bumper-sticker slogans -- even to the point of voting for people who virtually promise to exploit them economically! Or for politicans who promise to protect life at the cellular level but then want to kill & torture it once that fetal life becomes a human being...
3.) an extremely exploitative amoral oligarchy (ie; the Neo-cons) who will say anything and do things at the political extreme to maintain power.

One would like to believe the US Sheeple have SOMEWHAT wised-up, but I think that overestimates their awareness..

(* HOW the fuck could this inept guy get elected to the office of POTUS - - TWICE??!?!? Were we THAT hard up for presidential timber??))