August 29, 2008


CNN is making want to puke right now with all their gushing over an inexperienced neophyte from the back of beyond being named as a possible vp for the country, with all that's going on in the world today.


BroderWriter said...

Blecccchhhh! Me too! Arrrghhhhh!

maru said...

I just can't believe it....

Anonymous said...

I agree.

Oscars all around for the republicans who are defending the "quayle with a ponytail" today.

I haven't seen acting this good since Meryl Streep had to choose which kid to put on that train.

Anonymous said...

What - - is McInsane tired of wife #2 and wanting to commit adultery... AGAIN? At his age that's probably the ONLY line he can use that'll even possibly work... "Hey baby, you want to be my VP.. heh-heh.. Ooops, excuse me, I have to change my underwear"

Anonymous said...

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