Pruned-up, faux-outraged scold rips into Obama for -- horrors!!! -- visiting with his family while on vacation. My... fucking... GOD.
Roberts: "I know his grandmother lives in Hawaii and I know Hawaii is a state, but it has the look of him going off to some sort of foreign, exotic place. He should be at Myrtle Beach and if he’s going to take a vacation at this time."
You just can't win. If he had gone to some party beachtown, all over the news it would've been 'Elitist Obama disses his grammie for hedonistic lifestyle!!1!'
John asks "Are they bothered by the fact that McCain takes off every weekend and goes to one of his eight homes? Of course that’s not elitist at all, is it, Cokie?" You numb bitch?

Ah! Crosspost with Undie Lib! lol : )
I suppose we should be relieved that at least knows that Hawaii is a state.
Myrtle Beach???
HIS FAMILY IS IN HAWAII. Can't he visit his own family without getting shit? F'ing ass-wipes.
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