Desperate repukes are afraid of invoking the name of the Worst President Evar. And the nutty, senile old drooler that is his clone.
Republicans are debating an election platform that differs in at least one striking way from the past -- it's purged of the dear-leader tributes that turned statements of party principles into an incessant hailing of the chief. In fact, a draft of the document going to the GOP platform committee Tuesday mentions John McBush and Preznit Bush not at all.Awesome. They don't even mention McBush on the home page of their web site.

1 comment:
That's a start to properly prioritizing Repuke presidents - - now if they could HONESTLY revisit that asshole Reagan...
But 'honesty' really doesn't have anything to do with it, does it now (he asked rhetorically)? It's all about whether or not the 'con job' is SUCCESSFUL. A carny hawker, 3-card Monte dealer, or infomercial huckster isn't measured by his peers for how HONEST/TRUTHFUL/BENEVOLENT he is, he's measured by how well he suckered the mugs out of their money. That's the rating system that the Repukes use. Reagan was as bad as Bush in terms of misery caused/enabled, but he's revered by the Reich-wingers because he's perceived as a proficient scammer (or as proficient as Repukes ever are), while W is becoming persona non grata ONLY because he didn't execute the scam very well and unintentionally caused harm to the whole ideology.
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