McInsane shows his respect for the ladies and family values by accepting the endorsement of a hip-hop artist who exploits half-naked women in his videos.
Fun fact: McCain’s "favorite" Daddy Yankee song is called "Gasolina." "Gasolina," as I heard it, being the Puerto Rican slang term for sperm.
Boy, coming so soon after the "I was whipped by gay sadists" comment, you gotta wonder. ☺ ☺ ☺
The embarrassing "Daddy Yankee" moment, with McNuts grinning like an idiot:
August 26, 2008
McInsane's celebrity endorsement!
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8/26/2008 04:26:00 PM
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In fairness to the great WWII hero John McCain, he thought this "celebrity's" name was Yankee Doodle Dandy. Can you blame America's #1 POW for making a little mistake like this?
And no, "Gasolina" doesn't mean... uh, that dirty thing. It means "The Hokey Pokey" in Puerto Rican.
Can't you commies give President McCain and his wife Candy a break? Sheesh.
What was that all about????
Actually, one of the ladies at work said it means "spooge". I snorked on my coffee at that!
Actually, one of the ladies at work said it means "spooge". I snorked on my coffee at that!
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