Yessiree Bob! We need more offshore drilling because that will make the price of gas go down up:
Oil prices swung higher Tuesday as Hurricane Gustav developed south of Haiti, raising concerns that the storm could slam into major oil operations in the Gulf of Mexico.Let's set up more offshore drilling. More targets for higher prices. Next week prices will go up because some Arab farted into the wind. Free markets bitches!!
James Cordier, president of Tampa, Fla.-based trading firms Liberty Trading Group and, said "Everything about this looks like a strong storm that would evacuate platforms."
Darth Cheney must have a semi-erection.
And we are the stupidest country on Earth.

Good point about the delicacy of the offshore oil. Reminds me of some of those 'peak-oil deniers' who say things like "yeah, but look at that huge find of oil off the coast of South America -- that'll last for decades!", but they gloss over the facts that 1.)the actual amount of oil (and it's grade) is VERY unknown and can only be vaguely estimated, and -- more importantly 2.) it's underneath something like 4 or 5 miles of water and then 1 or 2 miles of earth, so you can imagine how 'cheap' and stable THAT supply is going to be, if and when it is ever tapped..
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