August 26, 2008

Uhhh, excuse me??

Th men arrested in Denver with rifles, ammunition and drugs and who admitted they made statements threatening to kill Barack Obama "never posed a credible threat," says U.S. Attorney Troy Eid.

Whoa. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa ... a U.S. Attorney? {sniff sniff} Oh, look! He was nominated by Preznit Douchewad!


Anonymous said...

Yeah... not 'a credible threat'. It's not like that high school kid a few years ago who had a T-shirt printed with W's picture overlain with gun sight marks who got visited by the FBI! Now THERE was a REAL 'level RED' THREAT!!

Anonymous said...

Not a credible threat?

But Steven Howard, who was arrested and charged with ASSAULTING THE VICE-PRESIDENT because he told Cheney "Your policies in Iraq are reprehensible", and walked away, was a threat? bit me!

Welcome to Bush world.

maru said...

Unbelievable. But its OKIYAR.