August 1, 2008


Erstwhile rethug bootlicker Joe Klein is undergoing a crisis. Poor, poor little man.

'Hope dashed (again) -- {Sob! - Ed.}

'A few months ago, I wrote that John McCain was an honorable man and he would run an honorable campaign. I was wrong. I used to think that McCain's true voice was humble and moderate, but now I'm beginning to think his Senate colleagues may be right about his temperament. [...] {What, did you think you knew better than all those people who actually worked closely with him for so long? You idiot - Ed.}

'Courage is grace under pressure. McCain showed it when he was a prisoner of war*, and on many issues -- yes, even on his stubborn insistence that the surge would work -- but he is not showing it now. He is showing flop sweat. It is not a quality usually associated with successful leadership.'

Neither is gratefully coming back for more after you and your family have gotten violently skullfucked by Karl Rove, but hey. Not that I'm impugning his "war heroitude." But c'mon, how big of a pussy does this make him look? I mean, if you can't dropkick that miserable porculant little shit-heap into next Tuesday and win an election on your own -- ahem -- strengths, how are you going to be able to stand up to al Qaida?

*A commenter to this bit of drivel mostly added: According to McCain's own autobiography, he broke down under torture in Vietnam and sang. He collaborated with the enemy. You stupid douche.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The rats (like Joe Klein) are abandoning the sinking garbage scow (conveniently forgetting their roles in creating most of the garbage therein) and favoring us with their various mea culpas - - assholes!