August 12, 2008

Yore Pretzelnitwit Representin' 'Murka

Drinky McStaggers: Make mah nexsht scotch jush lahk duh lash one .

Pic via: Andrew Sullivan


Anonymous said...

What a douche.

Anonymous said...

I second your statement.

Anonymous said...

What a dumbass country to vote for this piece of shit in the first place. Thanxs, Ronnie Raygun, for destroying edumakashun in murka.

Anonymous said...

I agree wangmo - - and I would add ... what an unforgiveable lapse of judgement for this country to vote BOTH of those assholes in a SECOND FUCKING TIME! I suspect that subsequent generations are going to look back and wonder 'how fucking high WERE those assholes when they elected those people -- because they had to be on drugs to do something that culturally lazy and ultimately self-destructive!' And if I was a betting man, I'd put my money on McCain - - just because he's the WORST candidate by far, but this country has developed a taste for shit and hasn't eaten enough yet.

One Fly said...

The fucktard is drunk just as sure as shit.

Anonymous said...

The man looks like such a total imbecile that America should consider making elected officials wear veils in public! Need to save whatever "face" we have left....

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

onefly, I'm going to disagree.

I think he got into Laura's stash and took 'em all...

maru said...


Anonymous said...

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