August 22, 2008

You just can't make this shit up

We should just forget The Former Prisoner of War©'s gaffe over not remembering how many houses he owns because -- get this -- he's a Former Prisoner of War©:

McCain aides referred back to McCain's time as a prisoner of war in Vietnam in defending him from the mockery over his houses.

"This is a guy who lived in one house for five and a half years -- in prison," said spokesman Rogers.


Honestly. What's next? We should ignore all of Senile McNutso's lies -- this is a guy who lied to his first wife for... ok, no, wait a sec. We should forget that Saint McCain committed adultery and bigamy -- this is a guy who was nagged in prison by the same guy for five and a half years... uh, no....


Undeniable Liberal said...

jesus, maru.....another post that should win some kind of webby award.

Distributorcap said...


nothing is off limits to normal people