September 30, 2008

Country First!!


Republicans said Pelosi may have lost votes with a floor speech they considered too partisan. "We could have gotten it if it were not for this partisan speech that Speaker Pelosi gave,” Boehner said. Added Rep. Chris Shays, a Connecticut Republican who also voted for the bill: “Nancy blew it.” "That is an absurd accusation at a time when our country is in deep economic distress," a Pelosi spokesman fired back.
"You don't vote on a speech, you vote on a bill."
Aaaafuckingmazing. The tough guy bad-assed mofo daddy figures who always promise that they, and only they, can protect us from all the scary things hiding under our beds actually changed their votes because a mean ole bitch who doesn't know her place said really mean things about them?

A pure definition of WATB if there ever was one.

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