September 18, 2008

The Crux of the Biscuit

An Open Letter to Sixty Years in the Future

They have a seductive pitch: "Oh, look, friends, if it weren't for this meddling government, we'd all be rich! Rich!" But they don't mean it. They need your money to make them even richer. Where do you think all that investment capital comes from? Your bank accounts. These cocksuckers don't put up their own money. Hell, when shit tanks, they don't even pay the bill. You (and, in our time, we) do, as taxpayers. All they're engaged in is a massive transfer of a bunch of small holdings (yours & ours) to a few big ones (theirs). That's all they want. That's all they've ever wanted: Your shit. Like these pricks don't have enough already. Don't let it happen again.
Read the whole thing, it's great.


Anonymous said...

The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe. Don't forget it!

Distributorcap said...

as my father says -- about cockroaches and republicans

you kill one and 60,000 come to the funreal

Anonymous said...

Somebody should have thought to coat the rethug convention hall with a roach motel substance...

That would have ended the right's future attacks on America.

maru said...

that pic is sweet!