September 23, 2008

Honor, integritude and hating our troops

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki: Bush tried to delay withdrawal of US military to help McCain.

White House staff were concerned that Maliki’s endorsement of the 2010 time line would damage John McCain’s presidential campaign. Indeed, during an interview with Iraqi television last week, Maliki suggested that the U.S. presidential elections played a role...

[T]he Bush administration tried in private to persuade Iraqi leaders to delay a draw-down of the American military presence, once again playing politics with America’s national security, and effectively repudiating past claims that a U.S. withdrawal will only be “dictated by the facts on the ground.”

We don't hear much about the war in Iraq anymore, but out troops are still dying over there. So this craven dickhead can continue Preznit Petulant's disastrous policies.


Rhode Island Rules said...

Where are the military families? Where is their push back? Please. I honor your service and commitment, my father is a WW2 veteran, but don't be patsies. These shitheads are using you and sacrificing you children for no reason other than greed.
If McCain gets in there will be a draft. He and his brainless queen want to start wars with Iran and Russia. We do not have the manpower or the money without a draft.
Palin is a rapture believer who thinks the world will end in her lifetime. Do you really want her finger on the nuclear button?

Shana said...

My husband has been in the active duty military for 19 years. We are both very liberal minded and will be voting for Obama. My husband does not believe in this war or the Bush administration, and we are both scared to death of the McCain/Palin ticket. But, if he were to refuse to go to Iraq or where ever the military decided to send him, you can bet that he would be taking into custody immediately with no release date. More military families than ever are voting against the republicans because of concerns they have about the validity of this war, the exhaustion of constant deployments and a variety of other reasons. With the democratic congress apporving a 3.9% raise for this year and instead of Bush's suggestion of 3.4%, I'm sure this trend will continue. But I guess voting is not enough for people like you. You not only expect the military to be there when you feel you need it, but you also want the people who have dedicated their lives to this country to give up everything they have worked for to make a political statement. In his 19 years of service, my husband has repeatedly laid his life literally on the line. Now you ask him to give up his career, all insurance and benefits including the counseling sessions that he uses to deal with the horrors he has already seen, get dishonorably discharged and be imprisoned. Thank you so much for supporting our family and all other military families who currently find themselves between "I-raq" and a hard place!

Anonymous said...

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