September 24, 2008

Is this truly a sign of leadership?

Of sanity? The McSame campaign is attacking the media -- for reporting on the truth. For doing their job. John at AmericaBlog:

The McCain campaign issues a 698 word response to the stories in the NYT, Newsweek and Roll Call accusing McCain campaign manager Rick Davis of continuing to receive financial benefits from Fannie and Freddie up until last month - contradicting what McCain and Davis both claimed to be the case.

The stories are incredibly damaging, as they imply that Fannie and Freddie were trying to gild Davis' pockets in order to buy favor with McCain- this isn't about lobbying, it's about whether someone was paid a bribe to buy John McCain. As Ben Smith notes, in its entire statement the McCain campaign never once denies the allegation. I'd also add that attacking the NYT is cute when Roll Call and Newsweek confirmed the same story.

Bu... bu... but they're all in the tank for Obama!

How... presidental.