September 25, 2008

McJerk's political stunt

If McSame suspends his campaign to grandstand about suspending his campaign, isn't that ... campaigning?

McCain stole Obama's idea for a bipartisan statement about the economic crisis and then went public without informing the Obama campaign. The HuffPo:

"The idea of uniting the campaigns to find a bipartisan solution to the Wall Street crisis wasn't even McCain's idea." (It was Senator Obama's.)

"For all of his sudden urgency, McCain acknowledged just yesterday that he had not even read the administration's three-page bailout proposal."

The WaComPo:

"Can McCain pull this off -- persuading the public to forget how he and his fellow Reagan Republicans changed the nation's economic rules in ways that allowed Wall Street to run amok, and refocusing its attention on his decisiveness at this moment of crisis? I doubt it.

"McCain's ploy was transparent."

The NY Daily News:

"Bold... or bonkers?
"Still, there's an old saying in politics: Think political, but never look political. Given McCain's timing, this seems more political than altruistic.

"It looks like a desperate stunt," said another GOP political consultant."

And from an editorial in the moonbat liberal rag the Wall St Journal:
"Last we checked, the President of the United States was still George W. Bush, the Secretary of the Treasury was still Henry Paulson, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve was still Ben Bernanke, and Congress still had 533 members not running for President who are at least nominally competent to debate and pass legislation.

"So count us as mystified by Senator John McCain's decision yesterday to suspend his campaign and call for a postponement in Friday's first Presidential debate so that he and Barack Obama can work out a consensus bill to stabilize the financial system. This is supposed to be evidence of leadership?"

Holy crap. Time's erstwhile gpuke cheerleader Joe Klein:

"McCain suspends his campaign because of financial crisis? Oh please. Given today's poll numbers -- even Fox has him dropping--it seems another Hail Mary (like the feckless selection of Palin) to try make McCain seem a statesman, which is difficult given the puerile tenor of his campaign's message operation."

Heh. Cranky mofo. It sucks when your heroes turn out to be craven, knuckledragging degenerates, doesn't it?

But McCain, appearing on "The CBS Evening News with Katie Couric" Wednesday night, challenged Obama's claims that he supported a joint statement.
"This is not the time for statements," he said in a statement. "I think the American people expect more of us. And I would hope that we would respond that way."

Uh-huh. Nice. Oh, and while Sen. Obama was waiting for McCain to return his bipartisan call on dealing with the crisis, McInsane was having tea and crumpets with snooty elitist cunt Lady de Rothschild. And meeting with Bono, who was knighted for Importance or something.

And don't think for a minute that he's actually keeping his word: suspending one's campaign does not mean you stop airing ads in swing states, it only means that you try to get out of the vice presidential debate. Oh, and Mooselini is campaigning at Ground Zero today. Country First!