September 16, 2008

McNuts campaign: F*ck the internets! John McCain invented the Blackberry!

Which he can't use because he was a prisoner of war for five and a half years.

A top McCain policy adviser says the senile old codger helped create the Blackberry personal digital assistant.
Which is huge news to Canadian company Research in Motion, the actual inventors.
Waving his device around in a room of startled reporters, Douglas Holtz-Eakin said, "You're looking at the miracle that John McCain helped create."

McCain, a Luddite born somewhere near the end of the Revolutionary War, has acknowledged that he doesn't know how to use a computer and can't send e-mail -- one of the primary functions of a Blackberry.

Holtz-Eakin-Hogg claims the incontinent grump's service on the Senate Commerce Committee put him at the intersection of a number of economic interests, including the telecommunications industry.
Which is sort of like saying you can see Putin's house from Moosehump, Alaska. Fuck. I want -- nay, I EXPECT -- this to be all over cable nooze, just like the Dean scream and 'Al Gore created the internet' bullshit. Here, let's start:

John McCain invented the Blackberry! John McCain invented the Blackberry! John McCain invented the Blackberry! John McCain invented the Blackberry! John McCain invented the Blackberry! John McCain invented the Blackberry! John McCain invented the Blackberry! John McCain invented the Blackberry! John McCain invented the Blackberry! John McCain invented the Blackberry! John McCain invented the Blackberry! John McCain invented the Blackberry!


Anonymous said...

Too bad RIM is Canadian. A little out of reach of the Commerce Committee.

BadTux said...

So, like, does this mean McCain thinks Canada is the 51st state? Or is McCain a secret Canadian and we just never knew about it? (Gotta watch those secret Canadians... like The Shat and Peter Jennings, they're everywhere!). And if McCain is a secret Canadian, does that mean he's really not Constitutionally qualified to be President and will have to resign in favor of Palin? Curious penguins want to know!

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

Anonymous said...

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