September 17, 2008

McSame's yellow talk express

A beaut of a piece detailing McInsane's "appalling lack of courage" and his utter lack of patriotism and ethics. A snip:

Where is the courage or character in running a campaign fueled by lies?

The Declaration of Independence provides that "Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." John McCain knows that the American people do not and will not freely consent to a continuation of the ruinous policies of the past eight years, which is why his "McCain First" team insists that this campaign is not about issues.

Instead, the McCain campaign views the consent of the governed as something to be snatched while they are distracted by a blizzard of lies and distortions that has been denounced by Democrats and Republicans alike.

The John Sidney McCain that emerged from Hanoi thirty-five years ago is certainly worthy of our respect, but the man who emerged from Minneapolis two weeks ago has only earned our contempt.

Read the whole thing here.