September 18, 2008

Must-see TV

Chris Matthews destroys McCain surrogate Eric Cantor (R-evolting) on Hardball:

“The way we keep score in American politics is the party that’s in power for eight years and runs the White House — and 3/4 of the time runs the Congress and the White House — takes the heat when things go bad. Congressman Cantor, you’re trying to change the rules now and saying, ‘oh, if we take off our uniforms and don’t say we’re Republicans this week, the people will be fooled.’ I’ve never heard of that happening in politics. {…]

“You have to take responsibility, sir, for the policies of this administration that have gotten us into this mess. You can’t walk away and say, ‘oh, we had nothing to do with this,’ can you?”

"Time to stop the fingerpointing"? I love it. Tool.